Friday, March 02, 2012

Favourite Thing: Sexy Period Undies

Ok. So you know when you're supposed to be getting your period any day now but you're not exactly sure because mother nature operates on her own amazingly precise schedule? And when you have this thing you have to go to and you wanted to wear that skirt, it would be really nice if she co-operated for once so you had some peace of mind and could plan your outfit accordingly.
Well girls, might I introduce you to Sexy Period, our favourite thing at PERT this week. Their undies solve this problem. They provide that extra "crap, what if I get my period?" cushion to your busy, on-the-go, oh ya, no problem, I can make that call, right before I pick those up, and get to that meeting to give the all important presentation, meet you for coffee, go to yoga, followed by a much needed nail appointment, walking the dog, then there's that charity event and late dinner with the adorable boy from last months conference. Phew. Yes. These undies will get you through it all. I know. Amazeballs. And, to top it all off, they don't look like the terribly unfortunate granny panties you keep hidden in the back of your dresser drawer for times like these. They come in four lovely styles: thong, cheeky, bikini and hipster. All are made with their signature breathable leak resistent fabric. They definitely won't cramp your style. I don't know about you, but this sounds pretty sexy. Period.

We cannot say enough good things about Sexy Period underwear. Come visit us at PERT and try on a pair as soon as you can! Also, check out this cute little video and their fab website here.

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