Friday, December 07, 2012

A Very Merry Crush on Mira

Mira Slip -Vermillion
Leaving a lasting impression is practically a given when one opts to wear this gem, read: the endless underwear as outerwear possibilities. So ladies, what we really want to say is get your behinds in here quick because anything Fortnight Lingerie doesn't hang around for long. Nor should it considering it's french exits, from boutiques everywhere, come with that marquer les esprits flare.

Mira Slip -Vermillion
Just as we believe anything under your clothes makes a difference in how you walk the walk and talk the talk, so do the lovely ladies behind Fortnight. Which is why their pieces will always be the food equivalent to my Nonno's lasagna, droolworthy and satisfying. What you get with Fortnight not only looks delicious but comes from a place of expert craftsmanship and attention to detail. Did we mention this brand is from Toronto and made in Toronto too? Probably, since it seems we just can't stop telling you about them, but since Canada isn't exactly the lingerie capitol of the world (yet!) we reserve the right to brag.

Who would not want to unwrap this Christmas morning? Or better yet buy it as a Christmas gift for yourself! We will always be crushing on all things Fortnight here at PERT. Oh and again, let me repeat myself, come and get it while it's hot! Note that said hotness never cooling is guaranteed.

Oh what a very merry Christmas it is! Happy holiday lingerie shopping to all and to all a good night!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Tomorrow is Now Foundation's "Love Your Body" day for 2012 so we just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone to love every part of their bodies.

All of the parts you don't like are worth loving anyways because they make up the whole beautiful package that is you! Too often we focus on size and especially when talking bras it's really shape that plays a significant part in finding the right one. Ladies, your breasts are often looked at in terms of size no? I've probably written about this before but it is definitely worth repeating since thinking in terms of too small or too big isn't going to get you anywhere. Two women, with roughly the same figure, aren't going to have the exact same breast shape are they? Therefore you need to consider that shape to get a comfortable and supportive fit! You'll come up with the correct band and cup if you follow the shape of your body. It makes sense doesn't it? So forget about size for a minute, since all it is is a number and a letter, and embrace your shape! It's the outline for something so much more and remember, like this year's campaign says, "Drawing outside the lines is beautiful."

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Favourite Thing: Commando Undies

Back from our wee getaway! This past Saturday one of our best friends got married, you'll forgive us for not wanting to miss the wedding I hope! And here we are back to blab about underwear!

Did you know when you type the word Commando into a Google image search one of the first images that pops up is this?

Arnold's commanding prescence...
Hilarious and very fitting as it relates to our favourite thing at PERT this week. Commando Underwear is the answer to women everywhere waging the war on VPL's. That's visibile panty lines in underwear speak. Much like Arnold in the photo above, these panties, which come in a variety of styles, take down panty lines with fierce and fantastic form. They are ever so thin and laser cut around the edges so you feel like you are virtually wearing no underwear at all, hence their tag line "bettter than nothing." At Pert you'll find the thongs, girl shorts for a bit more coverage, and the full brief if you want to be entirely covered yet look like you aren't at all.

Why wear underwear when you can go commando? Seems like a simple choice really. You can rest assured that there are no visible panty lines going on at the love shack because PERT girls most definitely go commando.

Make sure to check out Commando's site here for more information about the line. We are also stocking some of their slips because who on earth knows where one can find a decent slip these days. You're welcome.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Pajama Game

a few PERT pj's
I don't sleep in silk fluttery things all the time. I will be the first person to admit my favourite thing to sleep in is a t-shirt! Yep. Just a t-shirt. A thigh-skimming oversized old t-shirt, makes me feel the most pert.

What else gets played in my pajama game? Tank tops paired with candi factory undies or high waisted ruffle "tulsa" shorts from Zinke. A little chemise from Christine Vancouver if I'm feeling girly. An Elizabeth Cotton nightshirt for those occasions when I want to be comfortable yet presentable. A travel essential. Flannels on Christmas morning, obviously.

But I'll always go back to that old t-shirt. I think it's got the most game; when playing around in pajamas.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Keeping it Real

For those of you who haven't yet heard of "Miss Representation" please watch the film. I watched it with my sisters and was completely blown away by the way the media treats women and how this in turn affects how men treat women and how women and girls treat one another. I honestly didn't realize what a terrible state things are in; it was such an eye opener.

Miss Rep and I Am That Girl have gotten together this weekend to lead the "Keep It Real Challenge" aiming to increase awareness on the importance of real beauty and to encourage publications to use REAL instead of retouched images of models. Part of they way you can participate in the challenge is by writing a blog post so I thought I would share how PERT is doing her part! Even if it is small, I'd prefer to play a small part in making a difference rather than be a big part of the problem!

At the shop I try not to display any images if I can help it. You will rarely see catalougues, posters, banners or window displays specifically advertising the lingerie I carry in the store. My sales reps always want to send me press kits full of this material because this is how the brands are helping me to generate sales of their product and I always say no, no and no. First of all, I don't want to waste the paper, and secondly, who wants to shop for lingerie (especially lingerie!) surrounded by giant posters of women they don't look like or identify with? These press images are almost always gorgeous but since it is the lingerie they are trying to draw attention to I'd much rather let it speak for itself. Wether or not a delicate lace is shown on the body or on it's own, one cannot deny the detail, craftsmanship and wonder of this fabric. Women don't need pictures trying to convince us to buy into this apparent sexy lifestyle that comes with having fancy underthings. How we feel in the lingerie we wear should be dictated by how it fits and the experience we have while shopping for it; not by posters reminding us that air, gel and water are going to give us breasts worthy of a pair of angel wings. Does lingerie even exist in Heaven?

Real beauty is just that. Real. So at Pert you get to gawk at the real stuff, try it on if you want and dance around on our pink floor. There will always be something that makes you feel and that feeling could be anything. It could be weary, timid, doubtful, uncertain, curious, interested, surprised, excited, strong, tenacious, impulsive, bold, playful, free or comfortable. All of which are beautiful and triggered not by anything fabricated, but by the fabrics alone.

This is how we are keeping it real at PERT.

Join in the "Keep It Real" challenge here.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Favourite Thing: Amulette Lingerie

Amulette Lingerie -tie bralette and ruffled panty
Alright girls! Wedding season is finally upon us! So this week our favourite thing comes from Amulette, appropriately from the lines' Fiance collection. As you might have already guessed, it doesn't take much for a ruffled bra and panty set with big satin bows to make it onto our list of favourite things, but this one gets better still.

Amulette comes to us from designer Johanna Isaac, whos "soul" purpose was to create a collection that refelcted "her desire of bringing the magic of fairy tales and love stories to the real world." Her designs are exquisite, using a lot of cottons and laces together which is rare in a lingerie collection. I like to think of it as the perfect marriage (pun intended) of natural beauty and feminine embellishments. An amulette, which means "charm of love" comes with each piece of lingerie. This "little gift," as quoted from the website, is meant as "a lucky charm which defeats unhappiness and brings desire stimulating eternal love." This bra and panty set is defintely one of PERT's must haves for a honeymoon suitcase. I am super head over heels for this collection and just like an amulette I hope to always keep love close to me. Isn't it just terribly romantic? Here's to love, laughter and happily ever after. For extra oooing and ahhhing visit Amulette online here.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Love Buy

Now that the sun is out it's time to shop for our summer wardrobes! Oh what fun! A frequent piece of advice women are given when shopping is "if you don't love it, don't buy it." I am a shopaholic in denial and frequently make all sorts of ridiculous impulse purchases. I have a very difficult time realizing that just because something is "all the rage" or "on sale" doesn't mean I have to have it. I am getting better, slowly, maybe.

This got me thinking, when it comes to underwear shopping, do women follow this advice? As far as lingerie goes, North America is way behind. Europe is really where it's at. Women there dress to the nines both inside and out. But over here it's all about function. Which is important yes, but who really wants to wear a plain beige bra all the time? Women often use the excuse that no one sees their underwear or they're single so, what's the point? I like to think of  this as the non-pert way to go about shopping for your underwear. For instance, a red bra will disappear under white. I know what you're thinking. It does not. But it does. That's fashion and function right there. And since they say it's better to leave some things to the imagination, it's a really good feeling knowing you are in fact walking around wearing the stuff that usually only shows up in thought bubbles. I realize I am completely biased when it comes to all of this. Last time I organized my top drawer(s) I counted something like 45+ bras. But, only 3 of those are beige. Winning! So, next time you're out shopping for a new bra, ask yourself if YOU really love it. I hope you leave with something kinda wonderful.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Happy International Women's Day

via Pinterest
It's International Women's Day today! Remember, there was a time when women couldn't vote. I know things have changed but, what was up with that?! Thank goodness for the advancements we have made in equal rights for women around the world. Today is all about celebrating that and looking ahead as we continue to create a shimmering future for all women and girls! In many cities, today is a holiday celebrated much like Mother's Day where men shower the women they love with flowers and small gifts. Hmm...interesting. Although women continue to face struggles regarding equal pay, representation and violence it is wonderful that we are free to make our own choices and celebrate what it is we can bring to this world. Together, there really isn't anything we can't do. 
via Pinterest

Friday, March 02, 2012

Favourite Thing: Sexy Period Undies

Ok. So you know when you're supposed to be getting your period any day now but you're not exactly sure because mother nature operates on her own amazingly precise schedule? And when you have this thing you have to go to and you wanted to wear that skirt, it would be really nice if she co-operated for once so you had some peace of mind and could plan your outfit accordingly.
Well girls, might I introduce you to Sexy Period, our favourite thing at PERT this week. Their undies solve this problem. They provide that extra "crap, what if I get my period?" cushion to your busy, on-the-go, oh ya, no problem, I can make that call, right before I pick those up, and get to that meeting to give the all important presentation, meet you for coffee, go to yoga, followed by a much needed nail appointment, walking the dog, then there's that charity event and late dinner with the adorable boy from last months conference. Phew. Yes. These undies will get you through it all. I know. Amazeballs. And, to top it all off, they don't look like the terribly unfortunate granny panties you keep hidden in the back of your dresser drawer for times like these. They come in four lovely styles: thong, cheeky, bikini and hipster. All are made with their signature breathable leak resistent fabric. They definitely won't cramp your style. I don't know about you, but this sounds pretty sexy. Period.

We cannot say enough good things about Sexy Period underwear. Come visit us at PERT and try on a pair as soon as you can! Also, check out this cute little video and their fab website here.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Getting Valentine Ready!

Curvy Kate Princess Bra and Panty Set
Valentine's Day is only a week away! Valentine's Day is one of my favourite holidays (next to Thanksgiving). I know many single people dislike it because well, they are single. And those that are attached dislike it since it has become so commercial. I think it's such a wonderful holiday. A day to celebrate love that's full of hearts, sparkles and flowers and devoted to the colours pink, red and white. I think the world needs more days like this. There really isn't a more perfect Trepany holiday. Not to mention, it is one of the most well known lingerie holidays. The perfect excuse to wear some fabulous underwear, especially if you are always wearing your basic bra and panty set. Even if you aren't celebrating the day with another love bird, why not get all dolled up? Here, I've picked out three of my favourite sets, perfect for February 14th. Hopefully they help inspire you to get Valentine Ready! I'm going to have a difficult time deciding what to underwear collection has turned into an entire year full of Valentine's Days and I am completely in love with it!
Simone Perele Bra and Hanky Panky Cherry Hearts Thong
Fortnight Lingerie Mary-Jane Long Line Bra and High Waist Panty

Friday, January 13, 2012

Favourite Thing: Heather Cowl Sweater

Today the snow just makes us want to stay inside and snuggle up with a latte and our magazines! So our lounge wear item of choice, and our favourite thing this week, is this cowl neck sweater from our Heather collection. The perfect cozy sweater for a day like today where we discover that winter is finally here this year! Love the side zipper and cowl neckline. And it's longer in the back, perfect to wear with tights! Enjoy the snow this weekend everyone!


Saturday, January 07, 2012

Proust at PERT!

I have been inspired by Vanity Fair (who regularly features this on the last page of their magazine) and the lovely Coco & Lowe ladies (who are featuring it as a series on their blog) to begin the new year by answering the Proust Questionnaire. I have heard of this before but never done it, and I thought it would be fun to be all reflective and pensive this Saturday morning. A good way to start off the new year! Marcel Proust was a french novelist and essayist, his most famous work "In Search of Lost Time," is considered one of the greatest works of fiction. Proust once answered a series of questions and based upon his enthusiastic responses they have become popular as a form of interview and recognized or known as the "Proust Questionnaire." So, with my glitter tea in hand (yes, glitter tea!) off I go! Thirty-five questions, thirty-five answers!

Sophisticated Seduction from David's Tea
This deep dark Chinese tea is like a gorgeous starry night, glimmering with gold and silver sugar crystals that shimmer as they steep. Take a sip and the slow suggestion of cinnamon will warm your body. Your toes will tingle and your mind will turn to fireworks, falling stars, late-night seduction. It’s basically magic.

The Proust Questionnaire

1. What’s your idea of perfect happiness?
I have a few answers for this. A Big Mac –McDonald’s dates are truly wonderful. Something as simple as a cup of tea and a romance novel. I think perfect happiness exists in wanting what you’ve got and having the freedom to make your own choices, decisions, and shaping your life into one you want to live.

2. What is your greatest fear?
That one day the world will be taken over by garbage. Seriously people, please recycle.

3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

4.  What is the trait you most deplore in others?

5. Which living person do you most admire?
My Mom and my Great Grandma Grace. This was her 100th Christmas, she has a firm grasp on reality and an iPad.

6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Buying things that I don’t need. My latest obsession is Sabre Cutlery. Yes, teaspoons.

7. What is your current state of mind?
A combination of worried, curious and inquisitive.

8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

9. On what occasion do you lie?
When I feel the truth needs to be stretched ever so slightly.

10. What do you most dislike about your appearance?
My butt/hips. I think they’re disproportionately huge compared to the rest of me and I think my arms are too long.

11. Which living person do you most despise?
I’m not sure I could despise anyone. I think it’s more of a not understanding or not agreeing with why certain people do the things they do. Actions can lead to anger but anger also fades.

12. What are qualities you most like in a man?
ambitious, open-minded, good listener, trustworthy, chivalrous

13. What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Non-judgemental. Rare I think, a lot of women are calculating.

14. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Love, Like, Fun, Yummy, Sweet
"Oh dear" "I’m being a grandma" "it’s basically a disaster"  "so cute"

15. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Probably my work and my family, my siblings in particular are high on that list.

16. When and where were you happiest?
Most recently, the day Pert opened!

17. Which talent would you most like to have?
Probably dance. I miss classical ballet training.

18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To be more realistic, I am very naive.

19. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Actually opening Pert! Once it’s taken off and I know I’ve got something good going and can make a living running hopefully a few stores (big dreams!) that will be my greatest achievement. Until then, I’ve got work to do!

20. If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what would it be?
The woman in Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Imagine the 21st century version of her? Totally cool.

21. Where would you most like to live?
I actually think it would be neat to live out of a of those boutique hotels in New York, just for a few months or a year.

22. What is your most treasured possession?
My polar bear stuffed animal whom I call “Beer”.

23. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Having nowhere to call home or a family.

24. What is your favourite occupation?
Entrepreneur, I love the creativity behind it, and teacher because there are few good ones who actually care about their students and want to make a difference.

25. What is your most marked characteristic?
I’m not sure, I have been told I am very animated. Does that count?

26. What do you most value in your friends?
I actually have few close friends but I love that they understand me, respect me, want to be around me. Even if I don’t see them often it’s as if we never were away from one another!

27. Who are your favourite writers?
Charlotte Bronte, John Irving, Meg Rosoff, Thoureau and Shakespeare

28. Who is your hero of fiction?
Jane Eyre

29. Which historical figure do you most identify with?

30. Who are your heroes in real life?
My Dad and My Brother. They are both the sweetest people and I love them to death.

31. What are your favourite names?
Jaybie, Lilibet, Wallace, Trenton

32. What is it that you most dislike?

33. What is your greatest regret?
Losing friendships

34. How would you like to die?
 peacefully and glamorously

35. What is your motto?
Smile, Miss. (My Dad always says this to me. Honestly, I can’t fake it, whenever I think of this, all worries fade away and here I am with this stupid grin. So cheesy).